Autobody and Collision Repair in Cotati
We provide a range of services and specialize in vintage restorations, metal fabrications, collision repair, and complete painting.

Collision Repair
Collision repair, color matching, and quality of work are always spot on. You get the best treatment possible thanks to our excellent relationships with insurance companies and rental car companies. Make us your first call, and we can be at the accident scene or even your home for an estimate or even just some friendly advice. Our number one goal is to do the job so well that you refer your friends and family for life. We’re here to stay!
Hot Rod Collision Repair
Collision and comprehensive work on these vehicles is something we shine at in our shop. The repair process involved in repairing these cars is extensive, and we specialize in bringing the car back to the exact condition it was before.

Full Restorations
Aside from all of our “fix it” Knowledge, we also do several restorations a year. Give us a call or email with details about your project, and we’d be happy to chat.

Custom Auto Painting
Patina is the art of making new work look old and a specialty of ours. We are also one of the few shops around setup for custom paintwork.

Collision Repair
You can count on a perfect match to your car's color and effects because we count on the advanced color-matching technology of Axalta Coating Systems paints.

Metal Fabrication
EPW Specializes in metal fabrication , rust repair, sectioning, and complete body panel replacement.
No two repairs are the same, but I can tell you that EPW tends to under-promise and over-deliver. Again, this goes back to our core values. If I think it is going to take five days. I will tell you seven. So you are always getting your work on time.